Royal Couple Of Serbia Patrons Of European Foregut Society Second Annual Meeting
TRH Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine hosted a dinner for the participants of the Second Annual Meeting of the European Foregut Society (EFS) this evening at the White Palace in Belgrade. This important gathering of medical professionals in the field of upper digestive system, named “EFS Belgrade 2022”, takes place in Belgrade from November 3rd to 5th, under the patronage of the School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, and Their Royal Highnesses. This is the first time that a professional meeting on such a scale concerning the diseases of the foregut is organized in Serbia.
The European Foregut Society is a leading association in Europe focused on research, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the oesophagus and stomach, bringing together surgeons, gastroenterologists, otolaryngologists, and doctors of other specialties who deal with these specific diseases. President of the Congress, Professor Dr. Aleksandar Simic, who is also a Member of the Board of the EFS, as well as the Royal Medical Board, expressed his deepest gratitude to the Crown Prince and Crown Princess for being the patrons of this important professional gathering.
Crown Prince Alexander in his speech revealed his pleasure to host such an important gathering of medical professionals in the home of the Royal family and stated: ”The importance of conferences like this one is exceptional. Knowledge and good education, as well as constant improvements, are the main resources and basic foundations of modern society. They are the energy that moves the world we live in.
Our great author and Nobel prize winner, Ivo Andric, wrote a lot about bridges and their importance in connecting people. Through the exchange of knowledge, but also experiences from your everyday practice, you are creating “bridges of information” that flow from one part of the world to another. The connections you are making at this Congress have one great, noble goal – to improve and facilitate the work of doctors, for the benefit of your patients and mankind. Your work brings us all hope for a better, healthier tomorrow.
”This major professional medical event is putting Belgrade and Serbia in the world focus of scientific and professional activities related to diseases of the upper digestive system. It is also opening opportunities for the future education of our young doctors through this association in Europe and the United States. Also, congresses like this are an opportunity to initiate joint projects and studies that will enable us to continue to be accepted and recognized as a country in European and world professional circles. We strongly believe that this meeting of leading experts will further strengthen the decades-long cooperation of our and world professionals in this field of foregut diseases”, stated Professor Dr. Aleksandar Simic.
The main topics of the congress are conservative and surgical treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease – GERD and hiatal hernias, as well as functional diseases of the oesophagus and stomach, which together represent the most common diseases of the upper digestive system, with a large percentage among the world population. Special topics are premalignant conditions of the esophagus, as well as the latest achievements in robotic technology, stem cell therapy, and the importance of artificial intelligence in the treatment of diseases of the foregut.
About 50 leading surgeons and gastroenterologists, dealing with diseases of the oesophagus and stomach, from Europe and, as special guests, ten from the United States, are present and giving lectures in Belgrade at this annual meeting. The main guests of the Congress are the presidents of the European and American Foregut Society, professors Luigi Bonavina and Reginald Bell.